Piltover's Finest

League of Legends Discord Bot

PoroScout is a Discord bot that provides League of Legends summoner and champion information and statistics.

Linked Accounts
Image showing /champion, /counters, and /synergies

/champion & more

Scout Champion Data

Partnered with Mobalytics.gg, PoroScout provides accurate and up-to-date champion data for any champion.

PoroScout can show the following information:
  • Champion Build & Runes
  • Champion Abilities
  • Champion Winrates, Pickrates, and Banrates
  • Champion Skill Order
  • Champion Counters and Synergies
  • and more!
Image showing /graph mmr, /graph lp, and /mmr commands.

/graph & /mmr

Scout Historical Data

PoroScout can keep track of your daily LP and MMR gains, as well as your wins and losses which can later be retrieved and graphed using the /graph mmr and /graph lp commands.

Using data from WhatIsMyMMR.com, PoroScout can also display your ranked (flex and duos) and normals MMR as well as your position on a normal distribution curve.
Image showing /matches command.


Scout Match Details

With the /matches command, PoroScout can lookup recent games played by a summoner and display the following information:
  • Full Team Composition
  • Banned champions
  • Player KDAs and CS
  • Gold Difference against laning enemy
  • Damage dealt, taken, and shielded
  • and more!
Image showing /profile command.

/profile & /mastery

Scout Summoner Profiles

With the /profile command, you can lookup a summoner's profile and display the following information:
  • Summoner Level
  • Ranked Solo/Duo and Flex stats
  • Top Champions
  • Recent & Live Games
  • and more...

And with the /mastery command, you can lookup a summoner's top 10 mastered champions.
Image showing PoroScout sending latest patchnotes.


Scout Patch Notes

Using the /patchnotes command, you can find details about the latest League patch notes.

You can also use /configure patchnotes to select a channel to automatically receive patch note updates on patch day.

Ready to dive in?Invite PoroScout to your server today!